Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

green kitchen

pictures coursesy of

Minty Hot Cocoa Float

recipe courtesy of Real Simple magazine

Can't wait to curl up and watch the Oscar's with this tasty treat!
Make a yummy cup of hot cocoa and scoop 1/4 cup on mint chocolate ice cream on top.


Green Theme

picture courtesy of www.

In honor of St. Patrick's Day I'm going to be posting on all things "green" from the color green, to eco -friendly products and tips.  I have some great things to share so keep checking in!

Five Easy Ways to go Green - It's a Start

Compassion for our Earth poster 11 x 14

I hardly consider myself an environmentalist, however as a living creature on this beautiful earth I feel like we all have to do our part.  Here's a list of 5 no brainers that we all can do to help!

1.  Make your own cleaning supplies.  It really takes 5 seconds, maybe 10 and you also save soooooo much money.

Gorgeously Green All Purpose Spray (find more recipes on the web site)

32 oz plastic spray bottle
2 cups of water
1/2 cup of distilled white vinegar
1 teaspoon of pure castile soap
3/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide
20 drops of tea tree oil
20 drops of lavender or lemongrass essential oil

Add the water and then the other ingredients.  Spray is suitable for acrylic, ceramic tile, wood, marble and granite.

2.  Try to shop at bulk food stores such as Sam's and Costco.  You'll save on wasteful packaging and gas because you won't be making so many trips to the store.

3.  I need to be better at this but I've used cloth napkins for some time.  It's so easy to just throw them in the wash with the kitchen towels.

4.  Wash your clothes on the cold cycle especially if they're dark or just lightly soiled.

5.  Unplug all electronic devices when they're not in use such as your hairdryer or coffee maker.  This too will save on your energy bill.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Art We Love

Art collector Laurence Lafforgue has an online gallery and offers limited addition prints for as little as $15.  The three below are $50 each for an 11 x 14.  This is art is done by reputable artists, some are featured at Museum of Modern Art in NYC.  It's a great site for anyone trying to start a collection.

I Couldn't Have Said It Better Myself

"My taste is so varied that I have no master plan.  Plus, I keep looking for more because you can always make room for something wonderful."

Tory Burch, fashion designer

Couldn't have said it better myself,  you can always make room for something wonderful!  Of course, it's easy to keep adding when you're not spending a lot.  My new addition is this wonderful wicker chair like the one above, only I bought mine at Salvation Army for $15.  I sprayed it two colors of gold to add dimension and made a cushion.  Adding wicker to my family room will be a great way to change it up a little for the Spring and Summer seasons.   Added bonus, it's light enough to take out on the patio for extra seating.



Thursday, February 24, 2011

Yummy Party Theme

A Candyland theme is perfect for any child's party!
This setting is designed by Dylan Lauren, Ralph Lauren's daughter.  She has an amazing candy store in NYC called Dylan's Candy Bar.  The sweet shop specializes in vintage and hard to find candies.

We did this theme for Sam's birthday last year.  I decorated a large white sheet cake like the Candyland board and put the same goodies from the cake in a bag for the kids to take home.  This is such a great theme because the decorations and the favors are one in the same.  We didn't have extra room because the party was at the recreation center, however if you do, fill glass bowls and jars in different shapes and sizes with colorful candy and let the kids fill their own bags.  Don't forget to put out scoops so  their grubby little hands don't touch all the candy!!!

I made this shadowbox for Sam as a reminder of the party.  I filled it with candy and his birthday party invitation!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

You Never Get A Second Chance To Make A First Impression

These foyers are amazing!!!

pictures courtesy of House and Home, Country French and Jonathan Adler online

And the Oscar Goes To.....

I love the Oscars, the glitz, the glamour........
Everyone in my family knows not to call my house the big night, red carpet included.   My Mom, of course, can call during the boring ones to dish on what everyone is wearing!

Stacy has some great tips on throwing an award winning Oscar party!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dream Scheme #2

The following "dream scheme" is made up of furniture that can be purchased at Pier One, World Market, Crate and Barrel and Anthropology.  Let me know if you are looking for specific information on one of the pieces.

Style Statement

"A Style Statement is a guide, a focal point, a mantra for making choices about the look, feel, and spirit of every area of your life."

This is a wonderful exercise for the creative minds out there.  There was a time that creatively I was all over the place and finding it hard to nail down my focus.  This book, through a series of questions, will help you come up with two words that will describe the real you.

The first word is your Foundation word - your "being" or your "roots".  It makes up 80%.
The second word is your Creative Edge -  It's your image, how you express yourself.  It makes up 20%.

I'll share with you the words that I came up with for myself.  After some reflection, the course I wanted to take with my career became clear and it was things began to make sense in both my personal and professional life.  

"Applying your Style Statement generates confidence and consistency, which builds power and momentum."

Cherished Tailored

A collector of friends, experiences and well worn things  When Cherished loves you, you know it.  Cherished is deeply sentimental, though not necessarily stuck in the past, because Cherished is always endeavoring to create new life experiences and memories.  They love to celebrate, venture out and bring good people and worthy causes together.  Cherished adores hearing or telling a good story and have plenty of them to share.   With an unshakable moral compass, Cherished can be remarkably determined and focused.  Love is its strength.

If there is a story behind it it works for Cherished.  Nostalgic, sentimental, culturally rich and diverse.  Personalized, attention to detail, inviting.  Because Cherished can be both "in the moment" and "in the past" fashion and decor can be a combination of the simple and contemporary.  Vintage and Old World.

Tailored thrives on creating environments, systems and situations.  Always improving and enhancing, Tailored loves to make old things better and to create new things from nothing.  They appreciate formality and appropriateness; being proper and traditional comes naturally.  Tailored in excess is overly routinized or controlling which can lead to worry.  Tailored simplify and pare down conversations, decor and schedules.  They are thoughtful and considerate, taking into account everyone's needs and the situation at hand.  Tailored is happy to be in a support role, and with their innate ability to create structure can devise amazing plans and strategies for others to follow.  At their best, Tailored balances a desire for structure and simplicity, with a flowing creative outlet.

Have fun discovering your Style Statement!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

More Thoughts On Industrial......

Here are a few additional examples of how to incorporate some industrial pieces into your home.


Lately I've been really into incorporating some industrial pieces into my home.  These pieces look great mixed with French style furniture or feminine fabrics.  It's the same concept as mixing a sequined top with jeans!

Again, if you're interested in the sources please leave me a note under comments.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dream Scheme

 If you'd like to know the sources of any on these products, please leave a message under comments.