Monday, February 21, 2011

Style Statement

"A Style Statement is a guide, a focal point, a mantra for making choices about the look, feel, and spirit of every area of your life."

This is a wonderful exercise for the creative minds out there.  There was a time that creatively I was all over the place and finding it hard to nail down my focus.  This book, through a series of questions, will help you come up with two words that will describe the real you.

The first word is your Foundation word - your "being" or your "roots".  It makes up 80%.
The second word is your Creative Edge -  It's your image, how you express yourself.  It makes up 20%.

I'll share with you the words that I came up with for myself.  After some reflection, the course I wanted to take with my career became clear and it was things began to make sense in both my personal and professional life.  

"Applying your Style Statement generates confidence and consistency, which builds power and momentum."

Cherished Tailored

A collector of friends, experiences and well worn things  When Cherished loves you, you know it.  Cherished is deeply sentimental, though not necessarily stuck in the past, because Cherished is always endeavoring to create new life experiences and memories.  They love to celebrate, venture out and bring good people and worthy causes together.  Cherished adores hearing or telling a good story and have plenty of them to share.   With an unshakable moral compass, Cherished can be remarkably determined and focused.  Love is its strength.

If there is a story behind it it works for Cherished.  Nostalgic, sentimental, culturally rich and diverse.  Personalized, attention to detail, inviting.  Because Cherished can be both "in the moment" and "in the past" fashion and decor can be a combination of the simple and contemporary.  Vintage and Old World.

Tailored thrives on creating environments, systems and situations.  Always improving and enhancing, Tailored loves to make old things better and to create new things from nothing.  They appreciate formality and appropriateness; being proper and traditional comes naturally.  Tailored in excess is overly routinized or controlling which can lead to worry.  Tailored simplify and pare down conversations, decor and schedules.  They are thoughtful and considerate, taking into account everyone's needs and the situation at hand.  Tailored is happy to be in a support role, and with their innate ability to create structure can devise amazing plans and strategies for others to follow.  At their best, Tailored balances a desire for structure and simplicity, with a flowing creative outlet.

Have fun discovering your Style Statement!

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