Thanks to Lucky Magazine's children's addition, I found Sarah Jane Studios! I don't have little girls but if I did, I imagine a world like this! Sarah Jane is an illustrator who not only designs prints and beautiful postcards but jewelry and, my favorite, needlepoint patterns. I remember cross stitching as a child which is much different than needlepoint but still such a fun, easy form of art to share with your kids. It seems so sad to me that back when I was little we would take the time to make something beautiful and now we just run to the store to buy it..... I love the needlepoint art on top, "Make do or do without"!
I was at a meeting for the gala dinner that I'm designing the decorations for and we don't have a big budget, in fact it will be a miracle if I can pull it off in budget. Someone from previous years, a little older than me, said something like 'we're from a different generation, we make things and you kids just go out and spend money like it's nothing'. I wanted to scream "I don't, I make things, I love handmade things, I don't run out and waste I? Maybe not as much as I wished I did.
visit Sarah Jane Studios via Etsy. It's like bringing back the good old days.
I love this site! When my daughter Emmie was younger she cross stitched a few things for me and I now proudly display them in a picture frame! I have such an attachment to them!