Monday, November 14, 2011

Say Goodbye

I think we may have seen our last, beautiful Fall weekend.  As each season comes to an end I find myself feeling "Happy Sad".  Happy and excited for what the new season will bring but a little sad that the last season has come and gone so quickly.  I think of the fun we had but also the things I really wanted to do but ran out of time.  There is never enough time is there?  I pruned my hydrangeas this weekend and they looked so great in a pile of the ground that I not only saved a few but I actually left them in the walkway for a day.  FYI  Endless Summer hydrangeas bloom all summer and turn even better looking in the Fall.  I brought them in and mixed them with $7 worth of grocery store flowers to make myself seven, yes, seven flower arrangements for around my house.  That's only $1 an arrangement!!!

Here are some tips for easy flower arrangements:

1.  Trim the bottom of the stem on a slant so the stem can absorb the most water.  Don't leave too much stem, you don't want to see stems popping up out of the vase.
2.  Tear off all leaves down the stem unless you want to keep some at the top in the arrangement.  Extra leaves soak up water that can go to the bloom instead.  The extra leaved below the water line can get slimy, which causes mold and the flowers to perish quicker.
3.  Mix flowers with greenery and branches.  Look outside for flowering branches or greenery for free.  Sometimes you don't need to mix flowers, just one huge bunch of hydrangeas or sunflowers can look stunning.
3.  Find different size, height and shaped containers for a more interesting cluster.  Containers can even be a teacup, coffee mug or pitcher.  
4.  Try not to make your arrangement so perfect.  In one above I put the white mums on one side, the hydrangeas on the other and I stuck one big pink mum in for color.
5.  If you don't think you can get the arrangement to look good on your own, you can use clear tape to make a grid at the opening of your container.  Tape rows horizontal and vertical, insert stems in the gaps and the flowers will stay put.
6.  Change your water at least every other day.
7.  When some start to die, throw them away and condense the good ones for a new, smaller arrangement.  When you do this re cut the bottom of each stem again so it's fresh, add new water and possibly a shorter container.  I like the smaller one's on end tables, nightstands or in the bathroom.

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