Monday, March 28, 2011

5 Things I Know For Sure About Motherhood

Charles Joseph Brillati
March 24, 2011
3:41 p.m.
6 lbs 4 oz  19"

1.  Holding a newborn always makes me long for another.  Life goes by too fast, especially after you become a mother.  Some days are so hard you can't wait for them to end, yet in the blink of an eye years have passed.   

2.  I will have to turn off the news, various talk shows or a great new movie I was excited to watch today in order to disconnect my heart from the horrific stories I hear about children being mistreated and abused.

3.  I will feel incompetent.  No matter how hard I try to stay on top of things or how well a day is going, there will be a moment that stops me in my tracks as I try to figure out how to handle the situation before me.

4.  There will be tears.  Tears of joy, awe, anger or frustration and that doesn't include any of the thousands of reasons my children may cry.

5.  The boys will come into our bed tonight between 2-3 am.  Sam will say"cuddle me", my heart will melt and  even though I will get kicked and pushed off the bed all night long, I will never send them back to their rooms!

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