Thursday, February 3, 2011

Celebrating Grandma Pappagallow

My grandmother passed away last week.  Now that the funeral and tears are over, I'm quietly celebrating her ninety year life.  Celebrating because that's what we always did - we celebrated family by being together all through my childhood.  Not only on special occasions but just about every Sunday.

I called her Grandma Pappagallow (that's Italian for parrot) because she called me a pappagallow when I was learning to talk and repeating everyone's words. Visits to my grandma were full of gossip and laughter but you'd better not cross one of her six children.  Yes, she had six children and three stepchildren, 16 grandkids, 8 step grandkids and her great grandchildren were 20 plus!  She was fiercely loyal when anyone messed with her kids and she was fabulous at holding her tongue so when she told someone where to go she meant business and everyone listened.

Everyone measures success different.  My grandma was a simple women, never had a lot of money or an illustrious career.  She simply raised six children who went on to raise there own families, successful, loving families if I do say so myself.  Even though family was everything to her she recognized that the world we live in today is different than the world she raised her kids in.  She was well aware of the pressures of  working women and the changes in our society.  To be surrounded by kids and grandkids on your last days and to be the backbone of a large, loving family.....  that's the success I hope to one day have.

The picture below is a pillowcase that I crossed stitched for her about 25 years ago!  The fact that she kept it and actually used it so long means to me that she valued it because her granddaughter made it and why get rid of something that may be old but has some character.  I don't know what I'll do with it yet but I have a few ideas.  Look for the post coming soon.

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